Tuesday 25 November 2008


Pre Internet Marketing History

I have worked all my life. I have done a lot of different things trying to find the "Thing" for me. Something that I can enjoy doing. My father was an airline pilot all his life and he enjoyed it every single time he went to work. He loved his job and that also brought our family a good living economically. I always thought that's something I want for myself. Work that I enjoy every day and it to bring me money to provide myself and my family (I am s single mother).

After school I was a secretary, an assistant etc. for 10 years in different sized companies. I never enjoyed that, but it gave me the office and organizational skills. I barely made a living economically. I had a coffee shop in a market place for a couple of years. In the summertime it was a great moneymaker. And a lot of long hours. But in the winter, completely dead. I enjoyed being with people though. I became interested in network marketing. Because I have ridden horses all my life and was showjumping for a number of years, I was interested how important nutrition is for the horse's performance. This lead me to selling supplements in this field. I never really made it. But I learned a lot about nutrition. I met somebody who was doing a very interesting therapy that helps our bodies to work like they were meant to (an ancient Chinese method). She tought me this method over a couple of years. That's how I became an Alternative Therapist. But it wasn't my time yet. I got very tired and started feeling my client's problems in my body. I met somebody that introduced me to Timeshare.I moved to Gran Canaria and sold timeshare for over 6 years. And I have never considered myself a sales person ! I loved that for a long time but burned myself by being too much "there" for my people.I thought I was irreplacable for them. Not so. So I left the company. I had time off for a long time to recuperate. I was so tired ! Economically that was the best job I have had so far. I went back to what I love to do, being an Alternative Therapist. Most of the clients want a massage though, which is killing my back. So this does not bring me enough money and I also get ill if I work as much as I should. Sounds pathetic, I know. I had to find something else to get the money I need.

Somebody mentioned Affiliate Marketing to me about six months ago. The idea interested me, because it is a little like network marketing, where I saw the possibilities years ago even though I didn't get it working at the time. I had never considered doing Internet Marketing. Like my former fiance, I thought there is no change out there, there are millions of websites. How could I possibly get anything out of that ? Let alone live on it ! But it started to interest me more... Somehow I got into something in May this year. I bought 2 websites for 120$ and everything was hunky-dory. I thought this is it ! I am going to make a couple of thousand monthly with this. All the training was there... But for some reason, nothing happened. I contacted the company to ask what have I not done. Somebody called me back and tried to sell me traffic for minimum 2500$ for 3 months. No way I could do anything like that. Then I got these offers daily on emails and phone calls trying to sell me this and that. Everybody said the same thing: If you want to make it, you have to have this...

I started Internet Marketing because I am in a terrible financial situation and don't have a lot to spend on anything except food for me and my son. Being a single parent is not easy for anybody and in any situation. After burning myself down and losing my house in the process, I was getting really desperate. I struggled thru the summer and luckily get some clients now to my therapies that keeps us eating. I started to get desperate about Internet Marketing and started losing my faith in it. A major change happened in September when from somewhere I got this address where I started following Michael Cheney daily for 2 weeks before launching his Golden Thread program. My dear friend lent me the money to get me into this brilliant training. I managed to convince him this is exactly what I need because I see the possibilities out there in the Internet Marketing Jungle. The way Michael talked and explained things on those live shows had me. It's there waiting for me. I had found my "Thing". I just have to get the right information. I happened to be in the right place at the right time.

The training is excellent. The way Michael explains things is just for the likes of me who don't know anything about anything in this field. I have learned so much. I have quite clear picture now how things work and what has to be done to make money. I have spent enormous amount of time on this. Watching the videos again and again. The help desk knows me very well... Ha ! I have not earned a lot yet, but I feel it's starting soon. It's like Michael says, we are pushing this snowball up the hill. And as it gets bigger, we have to work very hard to get it on the top of the hill. Once we are there, it only needs a little push and it starts rolling down the hill. And we can just watch it getting bigger, and bigger... But then again, it doesn't stop there. We cannot depend on one snowball. We have to make more balls. But taking them up the hill will be alot easier than the first one.

Being new to Internet Marketing is like learning anything new. It takes time and discipline. You cannot let the piles of emails you receive every day get you side tracked. Get good advice from somewhere, make a plan a stick to it. Make a list of things you have to do daily/weekly. and stick to it. Don't hover on millions of different things all the time. Get organized.

To get you started or back on track, click on my website and get your 3 FREE videos on how you can do things right from the beginning.

These videos will reveal:

The BEST and FASTEST way for a beginner to start making money online
How to get a rush of traffic to your site - (No traffic, no money)
How to build a list of potential buyers that you can sell to over and over again

So if you have ever thought about starting your own Internet Marketing Business, then you should grab these videos while you can because I’m thinking of only keeping them up for a limited time.

So go check them out.. the price is right (FREE)!


If you are like me, a newbie wondering how to get on track in this Jungle of Internet Marketing, click on my website right now to get your 3 FREE videos that will get you started


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